Rahangala Mountain of Sri Lanka

Rahangala Mountain is somewhat different shape of mountain of Boralanda Sri Lanka. Rahangala mountain is situated at near Boralanda town and near the Horton plains, Totupala mountain,Kirigalpottha mountain road. Travel to Rahangala mountain is very easy than others. Because this mountain hasn't long forest. It only included aspiring, grass and plain area. Top side of mountain eucalyptus trees are grown.

Rahangala Mountain of Sri Lanka
When you travel along the Ohiya road from Boralanda first you can see high rock. It's Rahangala mountain. Climbed the high rock is difficult and not suitable. There fore travelers enter to climb another place. This mountain is very long. Railway is going along this mountain and through in the mountain by tunnels. This mountain is long more than 20km.
You can see every kinds of eucalyptus trees and lot of water ways. Most waterways which started from Horton plains and come to Rahangala mountain and it goes along the mountain.
Rahangala mountain has long history although we cant find out all history. Some says that middle of the Rahangala mountain has cave. People cant enter that cave because it's very dangerous. There fore people fear to go there. Some says that the valuable swarm is situated inside the cave. We don't know what is real.
Rahangala Peak of Boralanda

Rahangala mountain also very beautiful mountain of Sri Lanka.