Thotupola mountain of Sri Lanka

Totupala mountain is Third highest summit of Sri Lanka. Totupala mountain is high 2357m above sea level. This mountain is situated on the part of Horton plains. Travel to Totupala is very different because there are no ways to travel. Some times can be travel via foot path from Horton Plains and Pattipola road. Those foot paths are made by traveling animals.
Thotupola Mountain
In Totupala mountain area can be seen various type of plants, animals and birds and endemic varieties also. Lot of (out of 26) birds are endemic to Sri Lanka can be seen in there. Another meaning of Totupala is Bird Paradise. Most tourist use this mountain for see birds. Not only endemic birds but also foreign birds also we can be seen in some periods of year in this place. In evening can be seen large amount deer in this place. And also Tiger and other some animals, Binara and Marathmal type of endemic flowers, Horn leopard type of endemic beings we can see these.
Totupola Upper
If you want to travel this place First you come to Pattipola via Amewela, Nuwaraeliya or Welimada. Otherwise you should come to Horton plains via Ohiya and Rahangala. Totupala mountain is situated at east of Horton plains. Entrance of Totupala is situated at between Horton and Pattipola road. Sometimes you may get the permission to climb it. And also you want much time to Climb this.
However top of the Totupala mountain is very cool and very beautiful.